
Friday, June 12, 2020

Yep / Nope - What is Cooper teaching us?

Did you know that if you google your name you can find all sorts of things about yourself? Well, for cybersmart we had to do a search of either Mark or Sharon and if we found any personal information then we could win some chocolate. I choose Sharon and do you know what? I couldn't win the chocolate because I couldn't find her phone number or her birthday. I was a bit sad about that, though chocolate isn't good for dogs. I think I could have changed it to some delicious meat treats.

But what is private information? Here is a video of my friend Cooper telling us about what we should or shouldn't share online. I thought it was really cool and so did lots of the kids in the class too. Did you?

Some people who did beginner are sharing their blog treasure hunt. Those that were doing the stepping up tried out a programme called Canva. 

What do you think? Does that give you clear information about the things we shouldn't share online? What things have you included?

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Gadgets, gadgets, gadgets!

This week for Cybersmart we have been learning all about our blog gadgets. I didn't even know what a blog gadget was until Mark and Sharon showed me. I have made a digital learning object (DLO) about what I've learned.

First I worked through the instructions using the footpath pathway. It was really great to have the pathway to follow. I liked being able to click on the links and open each page. I do confess to getting a little confused but I had help from Sharon to help me get back on track.

I made sure I watched the video and read through the slide of the gadgets carefully. I did learn some things about my blog that I didn't know about.

One thing I have started to use is labels so that others can find my work. Can you see the labels I've used for this blog post?

My teacher said I should make a DLO to put on my blog that showed what these new things were. I made a google drawing to do this.

Sharon then encouraged us to use screencastify if we wanted to share our learning in a different way because that was something our class had done on a separate lesson. I was brave and made mine, even though I sometimes feel nervous about hearing my voice. I think I did an ok job, what do you think?

I hope you enjoy watching it. 

Tell me in the comments what gadgets you learned about.