I am a student in the Te Ara Tūhura Cluster. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first drafts. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Monday, December 7, 2020
Amazing Old Art - SLJ
Today in Cybersmart we worked on a practice activity for the Summer Learning Journey. We had to colour a picture we had chosen from a range of images. This one is really old, made in 1663. I really liked how she was so intense in reading the letter. It made me think that perhaps she had been looking through a box of old letters and was reminiscing about the past. What do you think?
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Do you know what your learning blog is for? Find out here!
I have learnt that our blogs are for our learning. That's why they are called learning blogs. So I can't really share my favourite dog movies here or my favourite dog music. I know I can use that stuff if it relates to my learning though, so that is pretty great.
During my Cybersmart Lesson with my facilitator, I created this comic strip to teach you about the three ways you can use your learning blog. So this blog is to teach you but also to share my work. I'm ticking off two out of the three boxes. What a good doggie!
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Games and Cybersmart: Beginner Lesson of Wha, Smart Relationships
Woof woof, what a great time I've had playing barrier games with my friend Cooper. Our fab facilitator took us through a process where we had to listen to each other. This was hard because I get distracted easily, especially when that sneaky neighbourhood cat wanders through the playground.
To start with we got into pairs and decided who was A and who was B. I was B.Monday, July 20, 2020
Being SMART online is dog-gone important.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Making Kindness Go Viral
Thursday, July 9, 2020
What to do if something goes wrong! - Stepping Up
This is the resource I have been using to learn.
Second, ignore them. Focus on positive thoughtful and helpful comments and move on.
Third, block or unfollow. Use the site privacy settings to disconnect from the person.
Fourth, report it. Use the community reporting tools to let the site know that someone is abusing their guidelines.
And fifth take screenshots. If the comments are really bad save the evidence in case things escalate.
Look at the slideshow above and then try the quiz below. Once you have finished you will get your score and see your answers.
Have a go!
Friday, June 12, 2020
Yep / Nope - What is Cooper teaching us?
But what is private information? Here is a video of my friend Cooper telling us about what we should or shouldn't share online. I thought it was really cool and so did lots of the kids in the class too. Did you?
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Gadgets, gadgets, gadgets!
First I worked through the instructions using the footpath pathway. It was really great to have the pathway to follow. I liked being able to click on the links and open each page. I do confess to getting a little confused but I had help from Sharon to help me get back on track.
I made sure I watched the video and read through the slide of the gadgets carefully. I did learn some things about my blog that I didn't know about.
One thing I have started to use is labels so that others can find my work. Can you see the labels I've used for this blog post?
My teacher said I should make a DLO to put on my blog that showed what these new things were. I made a google drawing to do this.
Sharon then encouraged us to use screencastify if we wanted to share our learning in a different way because that was something our class had done on a separate lesson. I was brave and made mine, even though I sometimes feel nervous about hearing my voice. I think I did an ok job, what do you think?